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Barrett Golding & [Hearing Voices]
Baseball Stories from the Public Radio Hall of Fame in this (((Hearing Voices))) World Series special. "The Bushy Wushy Rag" by Phillip Kent Bimstei- sounds of a St. Louis Cardinals' combined with the echoes of Scott Joplin and the distinctive calls of Bushy Wushy the Beer Man. "National Anthem" by Gwen Macsai- After hearing different folk try to sing the Star-Spangled Banner at her local minor league stadium, our host figures she could do better. "The Potato Ball Caper" by by Dan Collison with Elizabeth Meister of Long Haul Productions- On August 31, 1987 one of baseball's most peculiar plays took place in the minor leagues in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. "Rookie League" by Barrett Golding- At the Helena Brewers ballpark in Montana, teens and early twenty-somethings get their first, and for most their only, taste of playing of pro baseball. "Dug-Out" by Terry Allen- The fictionalized history of two people: a man born in the late 1800s who runs away from home to play baseball, and a woman born in the early 1900s who grows up to be a piano player and a beautician. More audio, info and links...
Broadcast: Oct 1 2004 on HV SpecialSeries: Hearing Voices- Specials Subjects: Specials, Sports