Old School
(((Hearing Voices)))
Radio Special
Instructor: Katie Davis.
Class schedule:
- "School VP"- An administrative multi-lingual morning at a DC high-school.
- "Frankie"- football and fame in small-town Alabama, a Radio Diary.
- "In a Bubble"- quiet kids speak out.
- "Hike to Rock Creek"- Katie takes her summer camp kids for a stroll.
- Poems & Prose by Taylor Mali, Meryn Cadell, Jelani and Baz Luhrman.
Old School- Part 1 (33:00
) featuring:
"School VP"- Richard Paul follows Assistant Principal Irasema Salcido through her hectic multi-lingual morning at Bell Multicultural High School in DC.
"Carried You"- Katie Davis tries to help, but Tiffany tells her she "got carried." A lesson in learning lessons.
"What Teachers Make"- Slam poet and history teacher Taylor Mali schools us on honesty, ass-kicking and career choices.
"Frankie in Mentone, Alabama: Football"- In a small southern Appalachian town, 17-year old Frankie Luwchuk plays running back for the Valley Head Tigers, and keeps an audio journal of his year; a Teenage Diary produced by Joe Richman.
And your assignment while listening, take this...
Old School- Part 2 (25:00
) featuring:
Poems & Prose from Meryn Cadell, Jelani, and Taylor Mali.
"In a Bubble"- Producer Hillary Frank gets quiet kids to speak up and have their say. "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)"- Commencement speech words from Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich, performed by actor Lee Perry, over music from Baz Luhrman's film, William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, sung by Quindon Tarver.
"Hike to Rock Creek"- Host Katie Davis takes her DC summer camp into the unexplored regions of woods and water, two blocks away from where the kids live.
And our quiz continues...
Katie Davis- A Walk in the Park (NPR series)
Katie Davis- Shout Out: A Kid's Guide to Recording Stories
Richard Paul- rlpaulproductions
Taylor Mali- TaylorMali.com
Joe Richman- Radio Diaries
Meryn Cadell- blog
Hillary Frank- hillaryfrank.com
Jelani- aka DJ J Wyze
Baz Luhrman- Bazmark
Mary Schmich- Chicago Tribune
This special was mixed by Robin Wise of Sound Imagery. Executive Producer is Barrett Golding. (((Hearing Voices))) specials are crafted from new and classic radio shows. Funders include the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and National Endowment for the Arts.
Audio / Scripting © the producers & (((HearingVoices)))
These specials are Free to all public stations (via Creative PR)